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I like exploring new concepts, tools, and themes, and I am proficient at problem-solving. I consider myself an empathetic person and I am looking for a nice, supportive, and inclusive videogame studio, with cool people to learn from. <p></p> I am experienced with the asset development pipeline for 3D, 2D, and audio, and I consider I excel at communicating and helping both artists and programmers. <p></p> You can find me on <a href="">Twitter</a>, <a href="">Itch</a> or at: <p></p> <a href=""></a></h6></div>y<img src="/images/artstation.jpg" class="img title"> 9<div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <h1 style="text-align: left;">Art</h1> <span class="tag modelling">3D Modeling</span> <p></p> <p></p> <h6>Although I am a Tech Artist, I have some experience modeling and <a href="/Rigging">animating</a>, you can check my <a href="">Artstation</a></h6></div> gamegame hoverSht<div class="video2-wrapper"><iframe class="video2" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>W<div class="video2-wrapper"><iframe class="video2" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer;modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>s<div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p><h1 style="text-align: left;">Card Foil</h1> <span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span></p> <p></p> <p></p> <h6><p> A collection of shaders I made for Harry Alisavakis Technically Speaking Discord Challenge, with the theme of Trading Card Foil. Everything is procedural except the cubes. You can find a breakdown <a href="">here</a></p></h6></div>/card-foilu<img src="/images/celshading.jpg" class="img title"> text-bodyg<p></p> <p></p> <p></p> _<h1 style="text-align: left;">Cel Shading</h1> <span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span> <p></p> <p></p> h6+<p></p> <p> A collection of custom cel shading examples in Unity URP. </p><div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; modestbranding; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> U<p>Cel shading example, switching normals on and off.</p> <img src="/images/celshading.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <p>Stylized tree shaders</p> <img src="/images/ftg3.jpg" class="img title">{<div class="text-body"><a href="/celshading">More..</a></div>/celshadinge<div class="video2-wrapper"><iframe class="video2" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> A<div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <h1 style="text-align: left;">Other Cool Stuff</h1> <span class="tag every">Everything</span> <p></p> <p></p> <h6><p></p> <p> A collection of cool examples that defy category. </p> <p> This tile animation is done with multiple GameObjects that get fused into a single tilemap when the animation is done to boost performance. </p></h6></div>/coolstuffgames shadow - <hr class="solid"> S<div class="game cv"><h1>Games</h1> <ul><li>Fishing Masters: canceled stylized 3D live service mobile game at Ten Square Games</li> <li>In-development Unreal 5 Console/PC Game at Starloop Studios</li> <li>In-development Unity Mobile game at Starloop Studios co-developed with Ten Square Games</li> <li> UI Tech Art for in-development Unreal 4 Mobile Game at Starloop Studios </li> <li>Developed and shipped Neck-O, a complete Android mobile game (2019).</li> <li> Multiple student and game jam <a href="">games.</a></li></ul> <h1>Work Experience</h1> <ul><li> 2022-2023 Technical Artist at Ten Square Games</li> <ul><li>Shaders/Materials, defining the overall stylized look of the environment, characters, and VFXs</li> <li>VFXs, creating stylized battle skills </li> <li>Internal Tools for Artists and Tech Artists</li> <li>Lighting and light baking</li> <li>Writing and maintaining documentation</li> <li>Collaboration, communication, and guidance for both outsourcing and in-house artists</li> <li>Optimization across all fronts to make sure a fully 3D, high-quality game ran at 60 fps across a wide range of mobile devices</li> <li>Owner of the sound pipeline, reviewing requirements, collaborating with designers to define sounds, planning, outsourcing, implementing, mixing, and tweaking</li></ul> <li>2021-2022 Junior Technical Artist at Starloop Studios.</li> <ul><li>Shaders/Materials</li> <li>VFX</li> <li>Optimizing cinematic quality assets and scenes into real-time performance assets</li> <li>UI Materials and UI VFX</li></ul> <li> Developed Fantasy Tree Generator, a spline-based vegetation creation tool asset available on <a href=""> Unity s Asset Store. </a></li></ul> <h1> Studies</h1> <ul><li> 2018-2022 Degree in Video Game Design and Development - Murcia Escuela Superior Internacional de Diseo, ESI Murcia. </li> <li> 2018-2020 HND in Game Development - Murcia Escuela Superior Internacional de Diseo, ESI Murcia.</li> <li> 2013-2018 Studies in Industrial Technologies Degree (Industrial Engineering) - Madrid Universidad Politcnica de Madrid </li></ul> <h1> Hard Skills</h1> <ul><li> 7+ years of Unity experience</li> <li> 2+ years of Unreal Engine experience</li> <li> 4+ years of HLSL and node-based shader programming.</li> <li> 2+ years of VFX.</li> <li> 7+ years of C#.</li> <li> 2 years of C, 1 year of C++</li> <li> Node-based texture creation (eg. Substance Designer).</li> <li> In-depth experience with the full digital art content creation pipeline.</li> <li> Experience in designing and implementing custom rendering. </li> <li> Rigging.</li> <li> Advanced knowledge in maths and physics: Advanced Calculus, Algebra, Differential Equations, Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and more. (ETSII, UPM). </li> <li> 3D modeling, both organic and hard surface, using Maya, ZBrush and 3ds Max.</li> <li> Experience with Git.</li> <li> Experience with Scrum and Agile methodologies, using both Jira and Azure DevOps.</li></ul> <h1>Soft Skills</h1> <ul><li> Excellent communication across disciplines.</li> <li> Excellent problem-solving capabilities.</li> <li> Proactive and knowledge-hungry.</li> <li>Ability to work independently and within a team of different specialists</li> <li> Empathetic.</li> <li>Attention to detail</li> <li> Passion for gaming.</li></ul> <h1> Softwares</h1> <ul><li> Unity</li> <li> Unreal</li> <li> Substance Designer</li> <li> 3ds Max</li> <li> Maya</li> <li> Zbrush</li> <li> RenderDoc</li> <li> Substance Painter</li> <li> Marmoset Toolbag</li> <li> Clip Studio Paint</li> <li> Adobe Photoshop</li></ul> <h1> Languages</h1> <ul><li> Native Spanish</li> <li> Fully fluent in English, both written and spoken.</li></ul> <h1> Other</h1> <ul><li> Knowledge and experience in creating and mastering digital music and audio, including being the owner of the sound pipeline of a game at Ten Square Games.</li> <li> Basic 3D animation skills.</li> <li> Basic HTML and CSS.</li></ul></div>w<img src="/images/cyber.jpg" class="img title"> <div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p><h1 style="text-align: left;">Cyber Defense</h1> <span class="tag every">Everything</span></p> <h6>Cyber Defense was a short, second-year school project focused on mobile development and monetization strategies. </h6></div>-<div class="text-body"><p></p> <img src="/images/freeze.jpg" class="img title"> <h6><p></p> The main feature of this tower defense is the wide option of targeting modes available, more than in any other game that I know of: First, Last, Closest, Strongest, Weakest, Fastest, and Slowest; allowing for meaningful decision making around the multiple enemy types and combinations. It also includes all the other usual features of this genre. <p></p> When losing, it offers the player several more lives to continue playing in exchange for an unskippable ad, otherwise it shows a skippable one. <p></p></h6></div> <p></p><div class="text-body"><a href="/cyberdefense">More..</a></div>/cyberdefenses<img src="/images/synthwave.jpg" class="img title"> {<h1 style="text-align: left;">Dragon Cannon (GMTK 2021)</h1> Q<span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span>A<span class="tag vfx">VFX</span>S<span class="tag audio">VFX sounds</span><span class="tag progra">Programming</span> <p></p> <p></p> <p> Submission for GMKT Jam 2021 with the theme "Joined Together" </p> <p> The weapon's projectile is directly linked to the weapon. It has a limited range and you must bring it to you manually, doing damage on the way back. This opens up posibilities for projectile trajectory setups and other strategies using the game's environment and enemy behaviour. Player and Weapon are one. </p><p> Jorge Pons Asensio - Concept Art, character and object designer, 3D modelling and Level Design support. <a href=""></a></p> {<p> Francisco Jos Ponce Martnez - Programming. <a href=""></a></p> I<p> Valerio Marty Rodrguez - Shaders, VFX, Level Design, programming support and sound effects. <a href=""></a> </p> <p> External Assets: </p> [<p> Music: EVA  Zeta Reticuli Fonts Bungee Inline - David Jonathan Ross - Google Fonts Yesteryear - Astagmatic - Google Fonts Kaushan Script - Pablo Impallari - Google Fonts </p><div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div><div class="text-body"><a href="/dragoncannon">More..</a></div>/dragoncannony<img src="/images/escape.jpg" class="img title"> <div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p><h1 style="text-align: left;">Escape From Heaven</h1> <span class="tag every">Everything</span></p> <h6>Escape from Heaven is my first year's school project, made solo over the span of 4 months. Everything in the game is made by me, and the whole focus of the Game and Level Design orbits around the grapple mechanic, pun intended. </h6></div><div class="text-body"><div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <h6><p> The main feature of this game is the grapple, which can be used to swing and propel the player, as well as dodging. The level was built using a series of preconstructed rooms laid out in the world, which were designed with the grapple in mind, making sure the player has multiple movement options for both traversing and combating. The objective is simply to find and beat the Boss, and the player has a sword, a gun, and a map to do just that. </p> Most of the development time was used making sure the grapple felt just right and integrated into the world, both on a gameplay and aesthetic level. For example, the trail of particles is not just some pretty addition but helps emphasize the movement that can be achieved with the grapple and feels rewarding when the player is able to move smoothly, generating pretty circular patterns. Special attention was given to the control scheme because for a player, playing with physics can be a steep enough curve, the grapple control must feel intuitive en easy to use. For this reason, the grapple can be controlled with just a secondary button, right-click by default. A single click acts as a swing and lets the player move around the pivot point, click and hold on the other hand also retracts the grapple, so you can climb up to the pivot. There is also a constant range indication and the right-left direction is calculated based on your initial verticality relative to the pivot point the moment you first grapple: Grappling from below and pressing right will make you move anticlockwise while grappling from above will do it clockwise, this way it feels fluid and new players don't have to think about which keys to press, it just comes out naturally. <p></p> <img src="/images/salonmanga.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> The game was presented as part of the school (ESI Murcia) stand in Saln del Manga de Murcia, a manga/anime/videogame convention, and it immediately caught the attention and I received several questions about when would it be released, although I don't have plans to continue it. Although the game had been tested plenty of times by different users before, this was the first time to see it being played by young users, but the design philosophy held up and most players could learn on their own, feeling extremely rewarded when they could do some cool tricks. On the last day of the event, when things were calmer, multiple people requested to play the game creating the following situation. <p></p> <img src="/images/salonmanga3.jpg" class="img title"></h6></div><div class="text-body"><a href="/escapefromheaven">More..</a></div>#/escapefromheaven NDA2}<img src="/images/FishingMasters.jpg" class="img title"> <div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p><h1 style="text-align: left;">Fishing Masters </h1></p> <span class="tag vfx">VFX</span><span class="tag progra">Tech Art</span> <span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span> <p><h6> This is a cancelled project that was in stage of public testing in the US, previous to soft launch. At first I started working on this project as an outsourcer from Starloop but after a few months I transitioned to an in-house Technical Artist. My work included setting up the content pipeline, writing and maintaining guidelines and documentation, collaborating with the art director, department leads and artists, finding and solving problems and challenges, establishing the look through shaders, VFX, procedural geometry, VFX, in-house and outsourcing asset quality control, optimization, writing tools for artists and the pipeline, etc. </h6></p></div><div class="text-body"><p>My main responsibilities</p> <ul><li>Shaders/Materials, defining the overall stylized look of the environment, characters, and VFXs</li> <li>VFXs, creating stylized battle skills </li> <li>Internal Tools for Artists and Tech Artists</li> <li>Lighting and light baking</li> <li>Writing and maintaining documentation</li> <li>Collaboration, communication, and guidance for both outsourcing and in-house artists</li> <li>Quality control for in-house and outsource assets, mainly rigs, 3D models and audio</li> <li>Optimization across all fronts to make sure a fully 3D, high-quality game ran at 60 fps across a wide range of mobile devices</li> <li>Owner of the sound pipeline, reviewing requirements, collaborating with designers to define sounds, planning, outsourcing, implementing, mixing, and tweaking</li></ul> <p></p> <img src="/images/Water1.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/Water3.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <p> These two screenshots are a good example of the cartoon look defined by work in shaders, as you can s ee the master environment material, and the water. I was also responsible for the lightmaps of these 2 areas, among others. <div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></p> <p></p> <p> For this project I identified a lot of processes and situations that could be automated and simplified with custom made tools, which resulted in the creation of tools for <a href="/LoSHeatmap">Line of Sight visualization</a>, <a href="/SmoothTrails">Smooth Trails Component</a>. <a href="/OtherTools">Terrain Exporter, LutCreator, Renaming Tool, Replace GameObjects Tool and Modify Transforms Tool</a></p> <p></p> <p> I was not only Technical Artist, but also VFX Artist, and I created a lot of battle skill VFX and UI VFX, using custom shaders, particles, meshes, and even custom rendering features. Additionally, we used our own internal graph tool for spawning and setting up the VFXs and additional animation, for which I wrote dozens of nodes </p> <div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <p> Documentation was very important in this project, being key for getting matching and consistent quality from a variety of outsourcers and in-house artists, covering everything from naming, axis, modelling and texturing process, channel packing, importing, reviewing, etc., for static and deforming geometry, animations and rigs. </p> <p></p> <p> Optimization was another of the pillars of my work, making sure that the fully 3D world packed with objects ran nicely at 60fps on a wide variety of mobile devices, starting with the asset creation guidelines, performant shaders, batching and minimizing overdraw. For this it was intrumental to use debugging and analysis tools like RenderDoc, Unity's frame debugger, custom debugging rendering overlays for checking mipmaps, and vendor specific debugging tools for mobile devices. <img src="/images/MipmapOverlay.jpg" class="img title"> Here is an example of a custom material for checking mipmaps on an environment, helping identify when a texture is never displayed at full resolution, leading to being able to reduce the max size of the texture without losing quality and saving memory. </p> <p> During the preproduction of this project the direction changed, but initially the players would play on ondulating rivers that could be shaped from an internal engine tool. For this I created a fully procedurally generated river generator that could create geometry following a spline, and divide it in segments with aggressive LoDs so we could have high vertex density for water effects close to the camera and cheap geometry far away. I also created a buoyancy system but it was later discarded when we moved into a more cartoonish direction </p> <img src="/images/Water4.jpg" class="img title"></div><div class="text-body"><a href="/FishingMasters">More..</a></div>/FishingMastersm<div class="video2-wrapper"><iframe class="video2" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> +<div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <h1 style="text-align: left;">Flowers</h1> <span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span> <p></p> <p></p> <h6><p></p> <p> A scene for Harry Alisavakis s Flower #TechnicallyAChallenge, with custom grass, sky, terrain and interactivity. </p></h6></div>/flowerq<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> u<h1 style="text-align: left;">Fantasy Tree Generator</h1> <span class="tag progra">Programing</span> <p></p> <p></p> <p> Fantasy Tree Generator (FTG) is a tool that can generate stylized vegetation like trees and bushes using an easy, visual, spline-based workflow. Available on the <a href="">Asset Store</a>. </p><ul><li> Easily create stylized trees using a spline-based workflow.</li> <li> 3 kinds of leaves</li> <ul><li> Spline-based: perfect for palm leaves.</li> <li> Scattered in a volume: several shapes and settings are available to simulate stylized treetops. </li> <li>Scattered on a branch</li></ul> <li> Use spherical normals for your scattered leaves.</li> <li> Extremely easy LoD generation.</li> <li> Scattered on a branch</li> <li> Easy, simplified mesh collider generation</li> <li> Easily integrate custom prefabs inside your plant, with branch placement.</li> <li> Automatic Billboard generation.</li> <li> Easily export as a prefab</li> <li> Complete documentation</li></ul> u<p>FTG was born out of the need to model a great variety of fantasy trees and bushes that weren't easy (or completely impossible) to do with traditional procedural means for our end of studies student project </p> <img src="/images/ftg.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/ftg2.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/ftg3.jpg" class="img title">m<div class="text-body"><a href="/FTG">More..</a></div> /FTGq<img src="/images/nightRay.jpg" class="img title"> S<h1 style="text-align: left;">Grass</h1> =<p> A demonstration of my custom, raymarched volumetric lighting, with support for stained glass. You can check out my breakdowns of this effect <a href="">here</a> and <a href="">here</a>. Every other shader in the scene is also mine. </p><p>I also used this effect for the Stained Glass #TechnicallyAChallenge</p> C<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <p>Scene using Ronja's Voronoi as stained glass</p> C<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> 9<p>Scene with moving sun</p>q<div class="text-body"><a href="/grass">More..</a></div> /grassa<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <h1 style="text-align: left;">Grass Placing Tool</h1> <span class="tag progra">Programing</span> <p></p> <p></p> <h6><p></p> <p> Tool for automatically placing grass using masks and terrain angle, a follow-up update also made it update in realtime (not shown) </p> <p> P.S.: The terrain shader now supports painting textures using Unity's terrain painting, this video is just a little old. </p></h6></div>/grasstoolE<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> '<div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p><h1 style="text-align: left;">Ice Sphere</h1> <span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span></p> <p></p> <p></p> <h6><p> An ice shader I made for Harry Alisavakis Technically Speaking Challenge, with the theme of "Making a default sphere as cool as possible". </p> <p> To create the textures, I sculpted a sphere in ZBrush and baked it against the default sphere in Substance Painter. Then, I exported the curvature, normal and ambient occlusion maps and created a custom shader in Unity. The shader uses parallax to fake depth and it also refracts the environment. </p></h6></div> /ice1 <hr class="solid"> _<div class="index-title"><h1>Tools</h1></div>  games Hide[<div class="index-title"><h1>VFX</h1></div> g<div class="index-title"><h1>Rendering</h1></div> c<div class="index-title"><h1>Rigging</h1></div> c<div class="index-title"><h1>Shaders</h1></div> <div class="index-title"><h1>#TechnicallyAChallenge</h1></div> <div class="index-title"><h1>Photorealistic Visualization</h1></div> y<div class="index-title"><h1>Other Cool Stuff</h1></div>  islao<img src="/images/boronoa.jpg" class="img title"> <div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p><h1 style="text-align: left;">Boronoa (End of Studies project) </h1></p> <span class="tag animation"> Animation </span><span class="tag vfx">VFX</span> <span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span> <span class="tag every">Rigging</span> <span class="tag progra"> Programming </span> <span class="tag design">Game Design</span><span class="tag level">Level Design</span> <p><h6> Boronoa is wholesome, non violent, farming and exploration game, our end of studies project, developed in the span of 2 months working on it roughly part time. My work on this project consisted of finding the art direction and achieving it via custom shaders and effects, lighting and shadows, custom renderer features like the custom volumetric fog running in URP, rigging, animation, programming, and design support, as well as producing, organizing and leading the project. You can see some of my work on this project explained in more detail over several cards on the Portfolio section. </h6></p></div>}<div class="text-body"><img src="/images/glider.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <p> Welcome to Boronoa! A game about life in a magical and wholesome island. Farm, explore, solve puzzles and get to know the inhabitants of Boronoa, both human and mythical! Developed by (in Alphabetical order): <ul><li> lvaro Plaza Such </li> <li> Francisco Jos Ponce Martnez </li> <li> Jorge Pons Asensio </li> <li> Juan Manuel Martnez Thor </li> <li> Valerio Marty Rodrguez</li></ul> Follow us on Twitter: <ul><li> </li> <li></li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li></li></ul> <p></p> <img src="/images/glider.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/composicion.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/amanecer.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/atardecer.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/bolos.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/granja.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/frontRig.png" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/gara-run.gif" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/PonchoRig.png" class="img title"></p></div>o<div class="text-body"><a href="/isla">More..</a></div> /islao<img src="/images/lantern.jpg" class="img title"> e<h1 style="text-align: left;">Paper Lanterns</h1> <span class="tag modelling">3D Modeling</span> <p></p> <p></p> m<p> A scene for Harry Alisavakis s Paper Lantern #TechnicallyAChallenge, with custom shaders for the paper, the sky and the water. </p>5<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>u<div class="text-body"><a href="/lantern">More..</a></div>/lanternm<img src="/images/liana1.jpg" class="img title"> s<h1 style="text-align: left;">Cable/Liana/Vine Tool</h1> <span class="tag progra">Tech Art</span> <p></p> <p></p> <p> Liana Tool was created to procedurally generate geometry </p>O<p>The tool was created for easily placing cabled and vine-like vegetation, the geometry is created procedurally following a spline which is then later automatically baked and replaced to save CPU time, but without losing access to the proceduralism, as the artist can always go back and modify the spline, which will automatically turn it into procedural geometry once again. </p> <img src="/images/liana1.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/liana2.jpg" class="img title">y<div class="text-body"><a href="/LianaTool">More..</a></div>/LianaToolu<img src="/images/LoSHeatmap.png" class="img title"> }<h1 style="text-align: left;">Line of Sight Heatmap Tool</h1> <p> LoSHeatmap is a tool that generates a heatmap of the visibility from the camera, showcasing what is always out of view and what is seen most often. This tool was used for Fishing Masters, a game with a camera on rails, always going forward, with the possibility to rotate 30 to the sides. With this tool it is possible for environment artists to know on what to focus on so the dont spend time on hidden or low importance areas </p><p>The tool was created for ease of use, and the artists only have to tweak resolution and the area they want to analyse. This initial version provides the line of sight at ground level, but an update was planned so it could generate a 3D volumetric heatmap, keeping baking times in check by using the Burst compiler in Unity. </p>{<div class="text-body"><a href="/LoSHeatmap">More..</a></div>/LoSHeatmapk<img src="/images/me2.jpg" class="img left" alt="me">NDA<div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p><h1 style="text-align: left;">Unity 2D Pixel Art Game (under NDA) </h1></p> <span class="tag vfx">VFX</span><span class="tag progra">Tech Art</span> <span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span> <p><h6>This is a project I was part of while I worked at Starloop Studios, being a pixel art game my work was packed into the initial stages of the project, including project and pipeline set up, guidelines ,custom lighting and shadows rendering features, shaders, asset reviewing and optimization. </h6></p></div> /NDA NDA3<div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p><h1 style="text-align: left;">Unreal 4 Mobile Game (under NDA) </h1></p> <span class="tag animation">UI Animation</span> <span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span> <p><h6>This is a project I was part of while I worked at Starloop Studios. My work was mostly related to UI, from animations in UMG to UI shaders to bring life to the interface. </h6></p></div> /NDA3 NDA4E<p></p> <p></p> <p><h1 style="text-align: left;">Unreal 5 Console/PC Game</h1></p> e<span class="tag progra">Tech Art</span> i<span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span> <p><h6> This is a project I was part of while I worked at Starloop Studios. My work included lighting (including Lumen), shaders, optimization, environment dressing, artist tooling and procedural blueprints. </h6></p><p> When we came into the project, the game levels were already built using cinematic quality assets with an extremely big excess of geometry and memory cost, and each level built by a different team without a unified pipeline, several different materials doing similar stuff, etc. The game was running on Unreal 5, but certain requirements and limitations meant that using Nanite wasn't an option. My work consisted primarily on optimization, which was achieved by heavily decimating all assets and creating aggressive LODs, swapping all materials for a handfull of very optimized, way more performant master materials but with the same features, reducing max texture size for all textures for which it didnt make a difference at the target screen resolution, and other techniques. The performance boost was incredibly noticeable and it meant that it was now running at 60 fps on the target specs </p>u<p> I also created the lighting and post processing for most levels, created tools and procedural content for the environment artists to help with environment dressing, realistic <a href="/Water">water</a> with a performant simulation-driven water trail, and atmospheric VFX </p>M<p>This project is released and public but I didn't agree with the ethics of the game technology and financing so I have decided to not include the name or photos</p>}<div class="text-body"><a href="/UnnamedGame">More..</a></div>/UnnamedGamew<img src="/images/Necko.jpg" class="img title"> G<div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <h1 style="text-align: left;">Neck-O</h1> <p></p><span class="tag every">Everything</span> <p></p> <h6>Neck-O is a cute mobile infinite runner game in which you squish and stretch a cute cat! <p></p> Eat all the fish you can and try to achieve the highest combo possible to unlock and upgrade awesome Power-Ups. <p></p> <a href=''><img alt='Get it on Google Play' src='' height="80"></a></h6></div><div class="text-body"><h6> This game was made by a team of two in order to gain experience by actually shipping a full game, Jorge Pons Asensio created all the concept art and sketches and I cleaned them up and developed the game. The project was finished in 4 months from start to publishing and includes full gameplay and monetization. The whole concept of the game revolves around stretching your cat and jumping to get all the fish and survive, with all that fish you can later upgrade your powerups. There are also daily challenges that rewards you with in-game currency, used to unlock cosmetic items, which can also be adquired with real world money. The game is meant to be an easy casual game to play around 5 minutes a day, gradually advancing and unlocking better power-ups and cosmetic items. For this reason, each run gradually scales up in speed and difficulty to control the maximum playtime, as well as to make it feel rewarding. To incentivize players to come every day the mission system will let you win some easy stars with which you can unlock items to customize your cat. To make cosmetic items more interesting there is a photo mode in which you can play with your cat and share outfits with a share button that automatically takes a screenshot and offers you to share it. <p></p> <img src="/images/stages.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/customize.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/powers.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/photo.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/stages.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p>  Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. </h6></div>q<div class="text-body"><a href="/Necko">More..</a></div> /Neckoa<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer;modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> c<h1 style="text-align: left;">Other Shaders</h1> <p> Some examples of other small shader stuff. </p>Y<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> }<p>Example of a global dynamic wetness in multiple shaders</p><div class="text-body"><a href="/othershading">More..</a></div>/othershading{<img src="/images/GradientBaker.png" class="img title"> _<h1 style="text-align: left;">Other Tools</h1> <p> As a Technical Artist I am always looking for ways to make the live of artists much easier, creating small tools to automate slow and repetitive processes. </p><p><ul><li> TerrainExporter: Exporting Unity terrains as meshes, for performance and technical considerations, keeping textures as they were, exporting into the proper folder structure <img src="/images/TerrainExporter.png" class="img title"></li> <li> LUTCreator: Easy texture gradient creator for producing LUTs and gradients for use in shaders, being able to easily customize the look of supported materials like water and metal <img src="/images/GradientBaker.png" class="img title"></li> <li> Modify Transforms Tool: Tool for modifying position, rotation and scale in batch. This was very useful for environment artists to make sure objects were snapped to the ground or applying art direction feedback for scaling of assets <img src="/images/ModifyTransform.png" class="img title"></li> <li> Mipmap Checking Material: Custom material for checking mipmaps on an environment, helping identify when a texture is never displayed at full resolution, leading to being able to reduce the max size of the texture without losing quality and saving memory. <img src="/images/MipmapOverlay.jpg" class="img title"></li> <li>Replace GameObjects: Small tool for environment artists for replacing existing gameobjects with a prefab or other gameobject, keeping placement and rotation</li> <li>Renaming Tool: Tool for easily renaming in batch with prefixes and sufixes</li></ul></p>{<div class="text-body"><a href="/OtherTools">More..</a></div>/OtherTools}<img src="/images/photorealistic.jpg" class="img title"> <h1 style="text-align: left;">Photorealistic Visualization</h1> S<span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span> w<p> School project where I speed modeled my living room and set up realistic lighting, materials and post-processing. Using Unity HDRP. </p>G<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div><div class="text-body"><a href="/photorealistic">More..</a></div>/photorealistic<img src="/images/IslandGenerator0.jpg" class="img title"> i<h1 style="text-align: left;">Procedural Stuff</h1> W<span class="tag progra">Programing</span> <p> I love all things procedural, geometry, textures, worlds, etc. I have made my own <a href="/FTG">spline-driven procedural vegetation</a>, textures and even dungeons. </p><p> I have made several room-based dungeon generators in C# for personal projects, both in 2D and 3D, with fixed and variable room sizes of different shapes. </p> }<div class="video2-wrapper"><iframe class="video2" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <p> My own C# <a href="/FTG">FTG</a> tool is spline-driven, where proceduralism is used to greatly speed up modelling, like creating branches, scattering leaves, applying noise on the vertex positions, etc. </p> <img src="/images/ftg.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> W<p> I love creating shaders with procedural stuff, like cliffs, snow, grass animations, fish animations, etc. </p> Y<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <p> Both node-based procedural generation, Substance Designer and node and code-based generation, like Material Maker, using custom GLSL nodes. The example bellow is of an island generator created in Material Maker. </p> <img src="/images/IslandGenerator1.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> C<p> Moon crater generator, showcased in Unreal. </p> <img src="/images/CraterGenerator.png" class="img title"> <img src="/images/CraterGeneratorResult.png" class="img title"> <p></p> Y<p> Houdini is for sure the next step for me, and I would love to use it in a professional setting, as I am a very quick learner. </p>{<div class="text-body"><a href="/Procedural">More..</a></div>/Procedural5 <hr class="solid"> _<div class="index-title"><h1>Games</h1></div>  o<div class="index-title"><h1>Shipped Games</h1></div> w<div class="index-title"><h1>School Projects</h1></div> k<div class="index-title"><h1>Game Jams</h1></div> c<div class="index-title"><h1>Other</h1></div> q<img src="/images/frontRig.png" class="img title"> W<h1 style="text-align: left;">Rigging</h1> <span class="tag every">Rigging</span> <p></p> <p></p> c<p> I have moderate experience rigging humanoids, including simple facial rigs using Maya. This includes complex objects like ponchos or armor. </p><p> None of the models shown here are mine, just the rigging. </p> <img src="/images/PonchoRig.png" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/facialRig.png" class="img title"> <p></p> <img src="/images/gara-run.gif" class="img title">u<div class="text-body"><a href="/Rigging">More..</a></div>/Riggingo<img src="/images/shopa.jpg" class="img title"> <div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <h1 style="text-align: left;">Shopaholic (MJam 2019) </h1> <span class="tag design">Game Design</span><span class="tag audio">Sound Design</span><span class="tag music">Music</span><span class="tag progra">Programming</span> <p></p> <h6><p> Shopaholic was developed for MJam 2019 (Murcia Game Jam) following the theme: "It is difficult to resist".</p> <p> In Shopaholic you have to resist the temptation of buying everything that is shown to you. The objective of the game is finishing the day without spending all your money, to do that, when a new item is displayed, our character will try to think of something else to get distracted, which will take shape as a minigame that the player has to win to resist buying it. If you lose, the item will be bought! </p></h6> <a href="">Itchio</a></div><div class="text-body"><h6><p></p> This game was our first Game Jam ever, so we focused on submitting a finished game. The game is pretty simple and we took inspiration from Wario Ware to design some easy to understand minigames that a kid would have fun with. <p></p> <img src="images/punching.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> The first minigame consists of hitting a punching bag as fast as you can in the given time, and to do that you just have to smash the keyboard! A fun introductory game that immediately catches the attention, both the player and the people walking around. <p></p> <img src="images/salonmanga2.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> The second minigame consists of a little green Army Man that has to cross in front of a doorway without being seen by a suspecting granny. This game is about timing and the player is warned the granny is gonna appear when her hand grabs the door frame. <p></p> <img src="images/granny.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> If you are curious about the rest of the minigames, you can check the <a href="">Itchio</a> :) <p></p> With 5 different minigames, the player will have to win at least 3 of them to still have money by the end of the day. External Resources: None. Every asset and element was developed during the Game Jam. This game was developed, in alphabetic order, by: <p></p> <ul><li>Jorge Pons Asensio. 2D Art and design.</li> <li>Juan Antonio Vidal Hernndez. 2D and 3D art, engine animations, field recordings, and design.</li> <li> Valerio Marty Rodrguez. Programming, music, sound design, engine animations, and design</li></ul></h6></div>{<div class="text-body"><a href="/shopaholic">More..</a></div>/shopaholici<img src="/images/sky1.jpg" class="img title"> O<h1 style="text-align: left;">Sky</h1> <p> Stylized Sky Shader with day/night cycle. The light cycle interpolation is handled by a C# script to simplify the shader and allow for easier and more powerful interpolation. </p><div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <img src="/images/sky2.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/sky3.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/sky4.jpg" class="img title">m<div class="text-body"><a href="/sky">More..</a></div> /skya<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> c<h1 style="text-align: left;">Smooth Trails</h1> <p> Smooth Trails was created because Unity's standard trail renderer only creates points for the trail once per frame, making fast animations with trails choppy and ugly. This component replaces the trail renderer for another that interpolates between frames, resulting is silky smooth trails </p><p> Fast animations or an optional 30 fps meant that trails could not be used, at least not using Unity's Trail Renderer or the particle system, because no matter how much resolution it is set up to, it cannot generate points between frames. For this I replaced the Trail Renderer with a new component that generates points for a Line Renderer, in the same fashion as the Trail Renderer, but with extra options, mainly interpolation between frames following a B-Spline, with an option to follow a Camull-Rom spline instead. The B-Spline creates incredibly smooth trails even with very few data points, and some additional trickery meant that it could be used for our use case of fast animations and optional 30fps mode. In the video </p><div class="text-body"><a href="/SmoothTrails">More..</a></div>/SmoothTrailsa<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> s<h1 style="text-align: left;">Smooth Water Splashes</h1> <p> There are a lot of water splashes on Fishing Masters, but they are not spritesheets, but rather normal particles that use a custom shader of my creation that blends between droplets without using raymarching or postprocessing effects, just vertex shader and normal geometry. </p><p> It starts from normal spheres, moves vertices, and interpolates normals to fake a continuous blob of water, using an SDF representation calculated on the vertex shader. Its cost depends on the number of vertices and particles and is equivalent to a single step of raymarching an equivalent number of spheres, and only on the vertex shader (Actual raymarching would need dozens of steps, per pixel, extremely costly on mobile). </p><div class="text-body"><a href="/SmoothSplashes">More..</a></div>/SmoothSplashesi<img src="/images/snow.jpg" class="img title"> Q<h1 style="text-align: left;">Snow</h1> <p> Custom Snow shader integrated into a terrain shader and a standard uber shader, with extremely performant compute-based interactivity at any world coordinate </p>Y<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> O<p>Modern version</p> <p>Old version showcasing other aspects of the shader</p> y<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> M<p>Composition with a water shader</p>o<div class="text-body"><a href="/snow">More..</a></div> /snow<h1 style="text-align: left;">Raymarched Volumetric Light</h1> <p> A demonstration of my custom, raymarched volumetric lighting, with support for stained glass. You can check out my breakdowns of this effect <a href="">here</a> and <a href="">here</a>. Every other shader in the scene is also mine, except for the Voronoi noise, which is Ronja's. </p>Y<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> Y<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> }<div class="text-body"><a href="/raymarching">More..</a></div>/raymarchingm<h1 style="text-align: left;">Stylized Synthwave</h1> O<p> A collection of custom stylized synthwave shaders I made for our submission for GMTK 2021, named Dragon Cannon. </p><div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <img src="/images/synthwave.jpg" class="img title">y<div class="text-body"><a href="/synthwave">More..</a></div>/synthwave}<img src="/images/tabletop.jpg" class="img title"> y<div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <h1 style="text-align: left;">Tabletop Escape From Heaven</h1> <span class="tag every">Everything</span> <p></p> <p></p> <h6>This is a classroom project, done in the first semester of my studies, intended to inspire what would be the Escape From Heaven game. It is a cooperative-competitive tabletop game. </h6> You can watch some more images in my <a href="">Artstation</a> <p></p></div><div class="text-body"><h6> It is formed by two distinct zones, the first one replicates a level from a platform game, and the big loop replicates a boss battle. This game is played by up to 4 people, in which 2-3 players try to beat the Golem, portrayed by another player. <p></p> There are four distinct decks of cards, 2 for the adventurers and 2 for the Golem: <p></p> <ul><li>Equipment cards: They are used to resolve encounters and obtain buffs.</li> <li>Encounter cards: A failed encounter provides a debuff or inflicts damage upon the player.</li> <li>Golem cards: Attacks and debuffs that the Golem can apply when fighting adventurers in the Boss Room </li> <li>Trap cards: Secret traps that the Golem can place wherever on the game, in order to damage or debuff the adventurers</li></ul> This game started as a purely cooperative game, in which the golem was just an automatic set of rules, but after extensive testing, I decided I wanted to boost the cooperation aspect and create situations which led to more refined decision-making. The options were making more rules, but the game was already complex enough and I wanted a game that can be learned in 5 minutes, so this was out of the question. Funnily enough, the best way to boost cooperation was to introduce a competitive aspect, making the Golem fully controllable by another player and giving them some more easy-to-understand tools. This way the players actually started to behave in a group manner and develop camaraderie in order to confront the Golem. The Golem offers a completely different way of playing the game, which also felt very rewarding when causing trouble and ultimately defeating the adventurers. This decision also had the side effect of prolonging the replayability of the game, because now players could decide to play as the other role. </h6></div>w<div class="text-body"><a href="/tabletop">More..</a></div>/tabletopworldwalkersm<img src="/images/summon.jpg" class="img title"> <div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p><h1 style="text-align: left;">The World Walkers</h1></p> <span class="tag design">Game Design</span><span class="tag level">Level Design</span><span class="tag animation">Animation</span><span class="tag vfx">VFX</span><span class="tag progra">Programming</span> <span class="tag modelling">3D Modeling</span> <span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span> <p><h6>The World Walkers is intended to be a narrative-driven Hack n' Slash in which the player must reluctantly save the World Walkers, giant colossi that make up the only habitable land on this otherwise submerged planet, from a strange parasitic infection. This game is a school project currently under development by a group of five. </h6></p></div>%<div class="text-body"><h6> The player takes the role of an exotic, violence-driven woman that loves to fight, but doesn't really care for the world, but in the end, she ends up doing so anyway. She is a battlemage, with her body covered in arcane runes that can summon massive temporary weapons that can be wielded or attack on their own, as well as a grappling hook and other powers throughout the game. Each colossus is composed of multiple giant vertical levels that climb from the feet to the head of the giant, slowly purifying and saving it from the parasites, as well as protecting the home of the numerous inhabitants. <p></p> The actual gameplay revolves around fighting complex battles and climbing and grappling your way up, with an ever-increasing challenge for all of these mechanics. The player can also use the grapple mechanic while fighting to dodge or reach some ranged enemies. <p></p> My role in this project consists of taking the design ideas, both mine and from the other team members, and coming up with complete, rounded systems, as well as most level design and programming. All animations were also done by me, in addition to some of the modeling (the main character, the level itself and some props) and some VFX. </h6> <p></p> <img src="images/personaje.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <p></p> <img src="images/gancho.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <p></p> <img src="images/escalada.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> <p></p> <img src="images/arbol.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p></div><div class="text-body"><a href="/worldwalkers">More..</a></div>/worldwalkersw<img src="/images/unethicards.jpg" class="img title"> w<h1 style="text-align: left;">Unethicards (MJam 2021)</h1> <p> Submission for MJam 2021 with the theme "Unethical Decisions" made in 48 hours </p> <p> All cards in Unethicards represent dubious methods to accomplish victory. You'll be able to use and combo unethical cards to reduce your opponent's HP to 0 and win the game. </p><p> My role in this project was initially meant to exclusively be shaders and vfx, but as our other programming capable member was also the designer, and they were rather busy, I took charge of the programming, sadly resulting in no vfx. The shaders use a stencil buffer, where the cards open a window to a hidden dimension where the 3D models live. </p><div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <img src="/images/unethicards2.jpg" class="img title">}<div class="text-body"><a href="/unethicards">More..</a></div>/unethicardsa<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> O<h1 style="text-align: left;">VFX</h1> <span class="tag vfx">VFX</span> <p></p> <p></p> <p> Showreel of VFX I created for Fishing Masters, including a lot of battle skill VFX and UI VFX, using custom shaders, particles, meshes, and even custom rendering features. </p><p>The effects were created with custom meshes and shaders using the Shuriken particle sistem, Timeline, animation clips, custom scripts and custom rendering features, like cheap mobile blur. Everything was done with performance in mind with the utmost care regarding overdraw and shader cost </p><div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <p>There are a lot of water splashes on the effects above, but they are not spritesheets, but rather normal particles that use a custom shader of my creation that blends between droplets without using raymarching or postprocessing effects, just vertex shader and normal geometry, using an SDF representation calculated on the vertex shader.. It starts from normal spheres, moves vertices, and interpolates normals to fake a continuous blob of water. Its cost depends on the number of vertices and particles and is equivalent to a single step of raymarching an equivalent number of spheres, and only on the vertex shader (Actual raymarching would need dozens of steps, per pixel, extremely costly on mobile).</p> <div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>m<div class="text-body"><a href="/VFX">More..</a></div> /VFXe<img src="/images/VR.jpg" class="img title"> K<div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <p><h1 style="text-align: left;">VR school project </h1></p> <span class="tag animation">Animation</span><span class="tag vfx">VFX</span><span class="tag progra">Programming</span> <span class="tag shaders">Shaders</span> <p><h6>This is a Ghostbuster inspired, physics-based VR school project. My work consisted in creating the look of the game, shaders, and effects, while maintaining high framerate. More info soon. </h6></p></div>/Vra<div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> S<h1 style="text-align: left;">Water</h1> <p><div class="text-body"> I have created plenty of water shaders, from stylized to realistic </div></p><div class="text-body"> In the heading video there are two examples, one of a stylized Zelda Wind Waker kind of water and another semy stylized with custom reflection, fake refraction, depth, water line, foam, caustics and more. <p></p> For Fishing Masters I created a highly customizable water shader with optional caustics, shore lines, waves and more, which could be customized in look depending on the environment very easily. <img src="/images/Water1.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/Water2.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/Water3.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> I have also created realistic ocean water using Gerstner Waves and plenty of advanced features <img src="/images/Water5.jpg" class="img title"> <p></p> Example of a mirror-like style of water <div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; modestbranding; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>y<div class="text-body"><a href="/water">Examples..</a></div> /waters<img src="/images/cascada 2.jpg" class="img title"> q<h1 style="text-align: left;">Waterfall of Sadness</h1> <span class="tag every">Everything</span> <p></p> <p></p> 9<p> Level Design / Environmental Storytelling school project (2020). The purpose was to build a scene around a waterfall that would communicate a feeling, in my case, sadness. I achieved this by humanizing the waterfall and building a short story behind her, as well as tuning sound effects and environment for maximum effect. </p><p> Solo project made by me, Valerio Marty Rodrguez, with special thanks to: </p> <p> Lamp and lamp pole by classmate Pedro Yage Snchez </p><div class="video-wrapper"><iframe class="video" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <img src="/images/composicion 1.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/composicion 2.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/composicion 3.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/composicion 4.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/casa.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/storytelling.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/cascada 2.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/cascada final.jpg" class="img title"> ?<p>Other cool shots</p> <img src="/images/cool 1.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/cool 2.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/cool 3.jpg" class="img title"> <img src="/images/cool 4.jpg" class="img title">y<div class="text-body"><a href="/waterfall">More..</a></div>/waterfall<div class="game"><img src="/images/web.jpg" class="img title"> <div class="text-body"><p></p> <p></p> <h1 style="text-align: left;">This web</h1> <span class="tag every">Everything</span> <p></p> <h6>This very same web was made from scratch using Blazor. </h6></div></div> #apphead::after Layout<p>If you want to visit a subpage, load the main page first.</p>RouteDataDefaultLayoutSelectorh1<span class="oi oi-home" aria-hidden="true"></span> Portfolio Q Experience c VFX A CV (!OFFE}l     9 E Ya0  MQ Q0 E   }     $  0  0    x ( T   t p    \        4   ` 0 l P  8  L   |  h    H @  D   , Q]i 0    qmq m   0 Q ]     E   ?_ :y8)ݮ`aQi}  M y    mq (((TWrapNonExceptionThrows5.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0TFrameworkDisplayName Portfolio Release 1.0.0Program+<
$>d__0&kT AllowMultipleT Inherited&LT AllowMultipleT Inherited /about /art /card-foil /celshading /coolstuff/CV /cyberdefense /dragoncannon/escapefromheaven/FishingMasters /flower /FTG /grass /grasstool /ice/ /isla /lantern /LianaTool /LoSHeatmap/me /NDA /NDA3 /UnnamedGame /necko /othershading /OtherTools/photorealistic /Procedural /projects /Rigging /shopaholic /sky /SmoothTrails/SmoothSplashes /snow /raymarching /synthwave /tabletop /worldwalkers /unethicards /VFX/Vr /water /waterfall /webMPk,,'RSDS2I6ìHtD:\Users\dramp\Documents\Documentos\Web Portfolio\obj\Release\net6.0\Portfolio.pdbSHA2562I6ìxUt  ;